Fert partner of a call for projects 2014 on the theme ‘family farming’

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Because of the International Year of Family Farming, the Agency for Micro - Projects (AMP) in partnership with Fert, calls for proposals on the theme of family farming.     AMP, created in 1983 and attached to "La Guilde",…

Feedback from the national workshop of Sfoap – Morocco

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On Thursday, February 13, 2014 was held in Rabat (Morocco) the national meeting of the Support to Farmer Organizations of Africa Project (Sfoap), the part relating to the implementation of pilot projects in North Africa has been entrusted to…

New commitment of Fert with the farmers of North Africa

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After a first phase of capacity building of peasant organizations (POs) in sub-Saharan Africa from 2009 till 2012 (with the regional platforms of POs covering this whole region - EAFF, PROPAC, ROPPA and SACAU), a new phase of Sfoap (Support…

Jean-Christophe Rufin, Grand Témoin for an thematic breakfast Fert / TerrEthique

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In May, Fert and TerrEthique jointly organized in the building of agricultural organizations Porte Maillot, a breakfast on the topic: Towards new global balance: associations and companies in a common destiny. Doctor, writer, diplomat, Jean-Christophe…

More than 60 people to the conference «Conservation Agriculture» to the AVI Hassan II, Rabat (Marocco)

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Within the framework of the project “Soil conservation and food security: a common concern for farmers in Mali and Morocco” led by Fert in partnership with Afdi Touraine and cofinanced by the AFD, Lucien Séguy (ex-researcher at Cirad) international…

Agricord’s President at the European Development Days

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    During the European Development Days organized in Bruxelles the 16th and 17th of October 2012, the Agricord's president Piet Vanthemsche has participated in a panel on 'Growing a better future for farmers in developing…