To support vegetable FOs in the Centre region
A demand for vegetables
The Centre region’s chief is Ouagadougou, the country’s capital. This region represents 1/3 of the national GDP and its population is growing at an annual rate of 10%, due to demographic change and the arrival of people from other parts of the country. There is a growing requirement for agricultural products, particularly vegetables. Therefore, since 2008, the Centre Regional Board of Burkina Faso has undertaken a development plan for the vegetable value chain (PDFM-B), later supported by the Bretagne region within the framework of a cooperation agreement. Fert has begun its action in 2018 within the framework of the implementation of the structuring and organizational strengthening of 9 vegetable cooperatives: 3 cooperatives in the commune of Ouagadougou and 6 communal cooperatives in the outskirts.
Strengthen the capacities of cooperatives to enable them to develop effective services for the benefit of their members
- Strengthen gover¬nance within coope¬ratives.
- Improving the organization of cooperatives.
- Setting up effective services for the benefit of members.
A better organization and structuring to ensure the management of services
Fert supplies the development of internal skills within cooperatives in order to enable them to manage their services themselves.
The actions concern:
> The achievement of self-diagnoses of cooperatives
> The development of an action plan by the FO actions plan themselves to strengthen their organization and cooperative life
> The support to the implementation of the action plans, in particular through training and advisory services.
> The organization of workshops to put actors in the value chain in contact with each other and of exchange visits between cooperatives
> The establishment and the training pilot farmers chosen by the cooperators to be technical relays.
Burkina Faso
de femmes
Average annuel budget
(including Fert’s accompaniment)