In the central region of Burkina Faso, whose capital is Ouagadougou, market gardening cooperatives are getting organized to develop their activities and market their products.

The Central region is experiencing a 10% annual increase in its population due to demographic changes and the arrival of people from other parts of the country. The need for agricultural products, especially vegetables is growing.

Fert initiated its action in 2018 with 9 market gardening cooperatives in the context of the of the structuring and organizational strengthening component of the Organic Market Gardening Sector Development Program carried by the Centre Regional Council and supported by the Brittany region.

The 9 cooperatives, 3 cooperatives in the commune of Ouagadougou and 6 other communal cooperatives group together nearly 850 farmers and are federated within a regional union. For the 2018-2019 campaign, they have sown nearly 172 ha spread over 52 production sites. The total harvest is estimated at 2,612 T, the main crops being onions, tomatoes and local eggplants.

Exchange visits: a means of encouraging discussions between farmers

During the month of June 2020, a farmer’s delegation from the Center’s market gardening cooperatives was welcomed by members of the Passoré Agricultural Cooperative in Yako and the Provincial Union of Cooperative Societies of Onion Producers in Kaya. These exchange visits allowed them to see and understand what is being done in terms of cooperative life and services to members within these organizations and to share their experiences.

Two videos were produced to animate the restitution sessions and debates with the other cooperatives’ members.

Exchange is sharing, it is a state of mind. Farmers share their problems and difficulties within their cooperative at the local level to try to find solutions. An exchange visit with the members of another cooperative allows them to broaden their reflections and encourage the emergence of new projects to be carried out within their organization.

To learn more about the approach and peasant-to-peasant exchanges: