Monday 30th of March to Wednesday, the 1st of April, regional correspondents of Education network to rural development and international solidarity (EADR-SI) met for their first meeting of 2015. 16 correspondents, representing 10 regions were present
Notably to welcome 3 new recruits (Rhône-Alpes and Franche-Comté), the first half-day allowed to return to the history of EADR-SI action and partnership between Fert and Cneap for support and development of agricultural colleges in Madagascar. Each correspondent then presented the actions in the region and in his establishment, difficulties, not to mention the successes.
The second day, the network national leaders took stock of the actions undertaken in 2014 was presented as well as proposals for 2015.
A final morning, co-organized with the BRECI * from PRB (Ministry of Agriculture), which brought together leaders of geographical network RED and correspondents EADR-SI network. A time devoted to climate change, with the intervention of Cyrielle DenHartigh Climate Action Network – France and Vincent Rousval, host of the RED (education network for citizenship and international solidarity).
Everyone then left in his region, ideas and projects in mind!
*Bureau des relations européennes et de la coopération internationale