Patrick Heinemann is a specialist in arboriculture, an employee of the producer organization Sumin (Union of users Market National Interest) to Agen. He has been working for a decade to Fert at the Adad association in Albania.

What motivated you to accept these missions?

Following an initial meeting with Albanian producers in France as part of a study tour, I thought I could be useful both to improve the quality and technical level and strengthen technical team, so when Fert asked me I agreed. To see again our Albanian friends is always a pleasure and a genuine bond of friendship and true professional collaboration was created several years ago.

What are the specific areas where you have tried to act?

At the beginning I went to talk about the production of fruit plants, and over time, the field has expanded my interventions to improve production in the broadest sense: the size, the protection against insects or the diseases … During my last missions is often referred the harvest period and conservation techniques. And of course the quality and size of the fruit!


What it brought you personally, but also in the course of your professional activity in France, within the PO where you work?

It’s always a satisfaction to see the developments and progress of its producers organized within Adad, in some way, their success is also mine …
Back in France, it helped me to put into perspective the problems of French PO’s.
Albania is in a phase of full growth and the freedom to undertake of the Albanian producers is exceptional.
The French producers sometimes have so many constraints that they no longer desire to undertake. The motivation of Albanian producers who are willing to do many things despite the difficulties can testify that with commitment, we can move forward.

Perhaps there’s a message for the French PO’s which sometimes tend to give up in the face of the difficulties.