Main partners

Caisses Régionales de Crédit Agricole Mutuel du Nord Est, de Centre Loire et de La Réunion, Nationale federation of Crédit Agricole, Ifra (Financial institution of Région Anosy region), Fivoy, Mutuelle du Mandrare, AFD, FRDA Anosy, European Union(Asara)

Geographic location

Regions Androy, Anosy, Haute Matsiatra, Ihorombe, Vatovavy Fitovinany

Icar, International Agricultural and Rural Credit, is an association created in 1999 by Fert and regional Crédit Agricole banks to take over Fert in supporting the development of the network of Cecam Madagascar and complete the phase empowerment of the network until 2005.

From 2006 to 2015, the action of ICAR has expanded and enabled to emerge a new microfinance network, Fivoy (mutual Mandrare) in the Anosy region, and support the Tiavo network. The action builds on ICAR Regional Financial Institution of Anosy (Ifra) created the initiative in 2007.

In 2017, funding for the action came to an end.