
Adad, Albania Ministry of Agriculture, PACA Regional Chamber of Agriculture, Embassy of France and FranceAgrimer

Geographic location

Kukes, Dibra and Korça regions


Until 2011, the work of freight in Albania has led to the emergence Adad, a producer organization mainly focused on arboriculture (technical advice, support group projects).

Since 2012, a program OPCA (Organisation of Producers and Actors Dialogue) allowed:

  • internally, to broaden the base of this movement (more members, more contributors) supporting the development of the association to new services (warnings, price monitoring, surfaces and productions) and to other sectors (walnuts, hazelnuts, grenades);
  • externally, to become an interlocutor recognized by other players in the sector (traders, research, public authorities) by taking charge of the issues of sectors or territories (better varietal adaptation, development of production, promote identity products).

The second phase of the OPCA current program, 2016-2018, is to issue to ensure conditions of sustainability of this network of organizations, first by supporting the development of services to its members and other contributing in connection with the government, the establishment of funding tools which allow these producer organizations to play their full role in the development of the sector.