The FLP (Formation des Leaders Paysans) project started in Burkina Faso in September 2017. The objective is to co-construct with the Producer Organizations (FOs) accompanied by Fert the training of farmer leaders on the basis of their needs. Since then, several activities have been carried out ranging from the diagnosis of producers’ needs in terms of support to the actual training of elected representatives/leaders of the FOs, through steering committees (Fert-FO) and the development and experimentation of several training modules: communication and information, cooperative spirit, OHADA law and specific training of secretaries and treasurers of the FOs.
Several short films of testimonies of farmers’ leaders have been made retracing the life paths of these leaders and addressing different themes. They will be used to animate debates during the next training sessions for leaders.
7 testimonies of leaders in Burkina Faso
Perseverance always pays off. Bamogo Sommalgré, cowpea producer, member of the Dablo scoop
Fighting to unite members around a common vision despite violence and slander. Ouédraogo Ratba de Wendboulgou, chairwoman of a women’s group that is a member of the Pissila scoop
The benefits of dynamism in a farmer organization are not only financial. In Sanmatanga in Pissila, Oumarou, producer and father of 9 children
Never tire of being useful to your community. Ouédraogo T. Saidou, a bullied producer who did not rest on his laurels
Preparing the next generation is a duty and a sense of pride. Narolbsome, group chairwoman and member of Pissila’s scoop
Suffering today to succeed tomorrow. Sawadogo Adama alias Boukré of the Ziga Union
Only through willpower can we overcome and surpass our disability. Bamogo Boureima, cowpea producer of the Dablo scoop